Just to be clear, I love open source software. It really is the most awesome thing ever. I think Richard Stallman has been a force for awesomeness in our world (you could argue that you wouldn't have the Android or iPhone without him) and that there's much our children can teach us about how our culture and economic systems will evolve in the era of digital natives. Look into Creative Commons if you haven't already.
But, it also drives me nuts and I'll think twice before supporting my own systems again.
You've probably all heard the arguments (you might have even been representing the case for the affirmative), "it's free (as in speech), widely supported by a community and we even have the source code, so we can debug our own problems! Why would we waste money buying packaged software/services from a vendor?!"
Heading to your local "app store" might only further embolden you, look at all the great stuff there that's "free".
But if my experience of the last few months are anything to go by, it might be free, but "free as in tears", not "speech" and definitely not "beer" with real consequences for enterprise IT leaders planning the future of their services, staffing, technology and vendors.